Source code for gridfix.features

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import types

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pandas import DataFrame
from scipy.ndimage import center_of_mass    # for CentralBiasFeature
from scipy.ndimage.filters import sobel     # for SobelEdgeFeature

from .regionset import RegionSet
from .model import ImageSet

[docs]class Feature(object): """ Base class for image features defined for each region in a set A Feature can be described as a two-step "recipe" on a given ImageSet and RegionSet: First, a transform() is executed upon each image array, e.g. a filter operation. Second, a combine() operation yields a single value per region. The result is combined into a feature vector of len(regionset). Attributes: regionset (RegionSet): the associated regionset object imageset (ImageSet): a set of images or feature maps to process length (int): length of feature vector, i.e. number of regions """ def __init__(self, regionset, imageset, trans_fun=None, comb_fun=None, label=None): """ Create a new basic Feature object. Args: regionset (RegionSet): a RegionSet object trans_fun (function): Function to use for the transformation step instead of default. Must accept PIL.Image and return Image or np.ndarray of same size. comb_fun (function): Function to use for the reduction step instead of default. Must accept a np.ndarray and return a scalar value. label (string): optional label to distinguish between Features of the same type """ self.regionset = regionset self.imageset = imageset self.label = label self._fvalues = {} # Replace default functions only if the specified ones make sense try: tmp = trans_fun(self, np.array([[0,1],[0,0]])) self._transform = self.transform # keep default around self.transform = types.MethodType(trans_fun, self) except TypeError: if trans_fun is not None: print('Warning: trans_fun seems to return invalid values, using default!') try: tmp = comb_fun(self, np.array([[0,1],[0,0]]), np.array([[0,1],[0,0]])) self._combine = self.combine self.combine = types.MethodType(comb_fun, self) except TypeError: if comb_fun is not None: print('Warning: comb_fun seems to return invalid values, using default!') def __repr__(self): """ String representation for print summary. """ desc = '' if self.label is not None: desc = ' "{:s}"'.format(str(self.label)) r = '<gridfix.{:s}{:s}, length={:d}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, desc, len(self.regionset)) r += '\nRegions:\n\t{:s}'.format(str(self.regionset)) r += '\nImages:\n\t{:s}'.format(str(self.imageset)) return(r) def __len__(self): """ Overload len() to report length of feature vector. """ return len(self.regionset) def __getitem__(self, imageid): """ Bracket indexing using an imageid returns the feature vector. """ return self.apply(imageid, normalize=False)
[docs] def transform(self, image): """ Apply image transform to specified image. In the base Feature class, this simply returns the input image as-is. This function may be overloaded in subclasses or replaced by the trans_fun= argument on construction time. Args: image (ndarray): image / feature map array to transform Returns: np.ndarray of image data """ return np.asarray(image, dtype=float)
[docs] def combine(self, image, region, fun=np.mean): """ Combine all selected pixel values in selection using specified function. In the base Feature class, this simply returns the mean of all pixels. This function may be overloaded in subclasses or replaced by the comb_fun= argument. Args: image (np.ndarray): 2D feature image region (np.ndarray): binary mask array defining a region fun (function): function to apply to selection. Must return a scalar. Returns: Scalar value depending on the specified function. """ return fun(np.asarray(image[region], dtype=float))
[docs] def apply(self, imageid, normalize=False): """ Apply feature to a single image from associated ImageSet. Args: imageid (str): valid ID from associated ImageSet normalize (bool): if True, scale output to range 0...1 (default: False) Returns: 1D numpy.ndarray of feature values, same length as regionset """ if imageid not in self._fvalues.keys(): fv = [] img_in = self.imageset[imageid] # Transformation step img_trans = self.transform(img_in) # Combination step for region in self.regionset[imageid]: f = self.combine(np.asarray(img_trans), # make sure combine gets arrays np.asarray(region, dtype=bool)) fv.append(f) # cache for later use self._fvalues[imageid] = np.array(fv) if normalize: f = self._fvalues[imageid] return((f - f.min()) / (f.max() - f.min())) else: return(self._fvalues[imageid])
[docs] def apply_all(self, normalize=False): """ Apply feature to every image in the ImageSet and return a DataFrame. Args: normalize (bool): if True, scale output to range 0...1 (default: False) Returns: DataFrame similar to with region feature values """ rmeta = if self.regionset.is_global: # If global RegionSet, copy region data once per image df = DataFrame(columns=rmeta.columns) for img in self.imageset.imageids: tmp = rmeta.copy() tmp['imageid'] = img df = df.append(tmp) else: df = rmeta df['value'] = np.nan for img in self.imageset.imageids: if img not in self.regionset.imageids and not self.regionset.is_global: continue img_trans = self.transform(self.imageset[img]) l = self.regionset._select_labels(img) for idx,region in enumerate(self.regionset[img]): f = self.combine(np.asarray(img_trans), np.asarray(region, dtype=bool)) df.loc[(df['imageid'] == img) & (df['region'] == str(l[idx])), 'value'] = f return df
[docs] def plot(self, imageid, what='both', cmap='gray', image_only=False): """ Display feature map and/or feature values. Args: imageid (str): valid ID from associated ImageSet what (str): show only feature 'values', 'map' or 'both' cmap (str): name of matplotlib colormap to use image_only (boolean): if True, return only image content without labels Returns: matplotlib figure object, or None if passed an axis to draw on """ if what == 'map': fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) imap = self.transform(self.imageset[imageid]) ax1.imshow(imap, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap), interpolation='none') elif what == 'values': fig = self.regionset.plot(self.apply(imageid), imageid=imageid) plt.title('{:s} (image: "{:s}")'.format(self.__class__.__name__, imageid)) else: fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) imap = self.transform(self.imageset[imageid]) ax1.imshow(imap, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap), interpolation='none') ax1.set_title('map') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) self.regionset.plot(values=self.apply(imageid), imageid=imageid, cmap=cmap, ax=ax2) ax2.set_title('values') fig.suptitle('{:s} (image: "{:s}")'.format(self.__class__.__name__, imageid)) if not plt.isinteractive(): # see ImageSet.plot() return fig
[docs]class CentralBiasFeature(Feature): """ Models central viewer bias as the distance to image center for each region. The exact model of distance depends on the "measure" argument: if set to 'distance' (the default), the image transformation step does nothing and euclidean distance is returned. If set to 'gaussian', anisotropic Gaussian distance based on Clarke & Tatler, 2014, Vis Res is used and transform() returns the corresponding Gaussian map. """ def __init__(self, regionset, imageset, measure='gaussian', sig2=0.22, nu=None, label=None): """ Create a new CentralBiasFeature object. Args: regionset (RegionSet): region set to apply feature to imageset (ImageSet): a set of images or feature maps (optional for this Feature) measure (string): distance measure to use ('euclidean', 'gaussian', 'taxicab') sig2 (float): variance value for type='gaussian' nu (float): anisotropy value for type='gaussian' label (string): optional label to distinguish between Features """ if measure not in ['gaussian', 'euclidean', 'taxicab']: print('Warning: unknown central bias measure "{:s}" specified, falling back to euclidean distance!'.format(measure)) measure = 'euclidean' self.measure = measure self._map = None self._values = {} self.sig2 = sig2 = nu if nu is None: if measure == 'gaussian': = 0.45 else: = 1 def _transform(self, image=None): """ For 'gaussian': Gauss distance map, else return empty array. """ if self._map is None: # compute feature map on first call mapsize = self.imageset.size[1], self.imageset.size[0] if measure == 'gaussian': self._map = self._aniso_gauss(mapsize, self.sig2, else: self._map = np.zeros(mapsize, dtype=float) return self._map def _combine(self, image, region): """ Calculate distance from region center of mass to image center. """ mapsize = self.imageset.size com = np.round(center_of_mass(region)) img_center = (int(round(mapsize[1] / 2)), int(round(mapsize[0] / 2))) if self.measure == 'gaussian': return image[int(com[0]), int(com[1])] elif self.measure == 'euclidean': dist = np.hypot((com[0] - img_center[0]) /, com[1] - img_center[1]) return np.round(dist, 0) elif measure == 'taxicab': dist = abs(com[0] - img_center[0]) + abs(com[1] - img_center[1]) return np.round(dist, 0) self._trans_fun = _transform self._comb_fun = _combine Feature.__init__(self, regionset, imageset, trans_fun=_transform, comb_fun=_combine, label=label)
[docs] def apply(self, imageid=None, normalize=False): """ Apply central bias to image, returning region distance values. Args: imageid (str): for consistency, ignored for central bias (same for all images) normalize (boolean): if True, scale output to range 0...1 (default: False) Returns: 1D numpy.ndarray of feature values, same length as regionset """ if imageid not in self._values.keys(): fv = [] img_trans = self.transform() for region in self.regionset[imageid]: f = self.combine(img_trans, np.asarray(region, dtype=bool)) fv.append(f) self._values[imageid] = np.array(fv) if normalize: return (self._values[imageid] - self._values[imageid].min()) / (self._values[imageid].max() - self._values[imageid].min()) else: return self._values[imageid]
def __repr__(self): """ String representation for printing """ desc = '' if self.label is not None: desc = ' "{:s}"'.format(str(self.label)) r = '<gridfix.CentralBiasFeature{:s}, length={:d}, measure "{:s}"'.format(desc, len(self.regionset), self.measure) if self.measure == 'gaussian': r += ', sig2={:.2f}, nu={:.2f}'.format(self.sig2, r += '>' r += '\nRegions:\n\t{:s}'.format(str(self.regionset)) r += '\nImages:\n\t{:s}'.format(str(self.imageset)) return(r) def _aniso_gauss(self, shape, sig2=0.22, nu=0.45): """ Calculate anisotropic, aspect-corrected Gaussian central bias map. This function yields an image-sized Gaussian map of the distance from image center, including anisotropy as described in Clarke & Tatler, 2014, Vis Res. Args: shape (tuple): image ndarray shape (height, width) sig2 (float): variance of Gaussian nu (float): anisotropy coefficient Returns: 2D ndarray containing Gaussian central distance map (values increase with larger distance from center) """ height, width = shape[0], shape[1] ar = width / height x = np.linspace(-1, 1, width) y = np.linspace(-1 / ar , 1 / ar, height) (xx, yy) = np.meshgrid(x, y) G = np.exp(-((xx ** 2) / sig2 + (yy ** 2) / sig2 / nu) / 2) return 1 - G
[docs]class LuminanceFeature(Feature): """ Models mean image luminance in each region """ def __init__(self, regionset, imageset, label=None): """ Create a new LuminanceFeature Args: regionset: a RegionSet to be evaluated imageset: ImageSet containing images or feature maps to process label (str): optional label to distinguish between Features """ def _transform(self, image): """ Convert 3D-RGB image to 2D-intensity (like rgb2gray.m). """ if image.ndim > 2 and image.shape[2] == 3: R, G, B = image[:, :, 0], image[:, :, 1], image[:, :, 2] lum = 0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B return lum else: return image def _combine(self, image, region): """ Return mean region luminance. """ return(image[region].mean()) self.trans_fun = _transform self.comb_fun = _combine Feature.__init__(self, regionset, imageset, trans_fun=_transform, comb_fun=_combine, label=label)
[docs]class LumContrastFeature(Feature): """ Feature based on local luminance contrast in each region """ def __init__(self, regionset, imageset, label=None): """ Create a new LuminanceContrastFeature Args: regionset: a RegionSet to be evaluated imageset: ImageSet containing images or feature maps to process label (str): optional label to distinguish between Features """ def _transform(self, image): """ Convert 3D-RGB image to 2D-intensity (like rgb2gray.m). """ if image.ndim > 2 and image.shape[2] == 3: R, G, B = image[:, :, 0], image[:, :, 1], image[:, :, 2] lum = 0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B return lum else: return image def _combine(self, image, region): """ Return local contrast of luminance image. """ return(image[region].std() / image.mean()) self.trans_fun = _transform self.comb_fun = _combine Feature.__init__(self, regionset, imageset, trans_fun=_transform, comb_fun=_combine, label=label)
[docs]class SobelEdgeFeature(Feature): """ Feature based on relative prevalence of edges within each region """ def __init__(self, regionset, imageset, label=None): """ Create a new SobelEdgeFeature Args: regionset: a RegionSet to be evaluated imageset: ImageSet containing images or feature maps to process label (str): optional label to distinguish between Features """ def _transform(self, image): """ Run sobel filter on luminance image, then binarize. """ if image.ndim > 2 and image.shape[2] == 3: R, G, B = image[:, :, 0], image[:, :, 1], image[:, :, 2] lum = 0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B else: lum = image sx = sobel(lum, 0) sy = sobel(lum, 1) si = np.hypot(sx, sy) # Determine threshold for edge detection (adapted from MATLAB edge.m) scale = 4.0 cutoff = scale * si.mean() thresh = np.sqrt(cutoff) return np.asarray(si >= thresh, dtype=np.uint8) def _combine(self, image, region): """ Mean of binary image yields fraction of edges. """ return(image[region].mean()) self.trans_fun = _transform self.comb_fun = _combine Feature.__init__(self, regionset, imageset, trans_fun=_transform, comb_fun=_combine, label=label)
[docs]class MapFeature(Feature): """ Feature to apply a statistical function to each region in feature maps Attributes: stat (function): the statistics function to apply to each region """ def __init__(self, regionset, imageset, stat=np.mean, label=None): """ Create a new MapFeature Args: regionset: a RegionSet to be evaluated imageset: ImageSet containing images or feature maps to process stat (function): the statistics function to apply to each region label (str): optional label to distinguish between Features """ self.stat = stat def _transform(self, image): """ Does nothing, expects predefined input map! """ return image def _combine(self, image, region): """ Applies stat function to region. """ return(self.stat(image[region])) self.trans_fun = _transform self.comb_fun = _combine Feature.__init__(self, regionset, imageset, trans_fun=_transform, comb_fun=_combine, label=label)